Monday, August 13, 2012

Organizing and Staffing Funtion

Importance of Organizing
  1. efficient and effective management
  2. facilitates specialization (becest+karan la e sahayog)
  3. avoids overlapping and duplication (kam na dohoreyaune)
  4. optimum use of human resourece
  5. establish authority responsibility relationship
  6. basis of co-ordination
  7. establishment of channels of communication
  8. leads to growth and diversification(bebedhikaran)
  9. productivity and job satisfaction

Principle of Organizing
  1. unity of objectives
  2. specialzation
  3. co-cordination
  4. authority and responsibility
  5. unity of command
  6. scalar chain
  7. span of control
  8. exception (aapbad)
  9. efficiency (dchyata)
  10. balance 
  11. homogeneity
  12. continuity
  13. simplicity

Approaches to Organizing
  1. classical approach
  2. behavioral approach
  3. contingency approach

Process of Structuring an Organization
  1. division of work
  2. grouping of work
  3. delegation of authority
  4. coordination of work

Advantage / Importance of Departmentalization
  1. develops specialization
  2. administrative control
  3. fixed responsibility
  4. felling of autonomy (suwayatata)
  5. helpful for expansion (bestar)
  6. management development

Types of Departmentalization
  1. departmentalization  by function
  2. departmentalization by product/service
  3. departmentalization  by customer
  4. departmentalization by territory (chetra)
  5. departmentalization by process
  6. departmentalization by time

Features of Delegation of Authority
  1. no delegation of total authority
  2. delegation of only that authority that a manager has
  3. representation of the superior (barista pratinidhe)
  4. delegation for organizational purpose
  5. restoration of delegated authority
  6. balance of authority and respnsibility
  7. no delegation of responsibility

Advantage of Delegation of Authority
  1. minimize work load of mangers
  2. benefit of specialization
  3. motivation and productivity
  4. training and development
  5. facilitates growth and expansion
  6. quicker and better decision
  7. basis of organizing

Barrier of Delegation of Authority
  1. reluctant to delegate
  2. fear of losing importace
  3. lack of control 
  4. mutual distrust
  5. incompetent subordinates (karmachari ko aasachyamta)
  6. lack of motivation 
  7. authoritarian tendency (tanasahe prabeti)

Advantage of Centralization
  1. facilitates unified decision
  2. simple structure
  3. facilitates quicker decision
  4. economy in operation (kam kharchelo)
  5. integration of operation (aakekaran)
  6. suitable for small firm

Disadvantage of Centralization
  1. unsuitable for large organization
  2. manager is over burdened (karya bojh)
  3. possibility of power misuse
  4. low morale and motivation
  5. lack of environmental adaptation (aanukulta)
  6. inappropriate for routine decision

Advantage of Decentralization
  1. relief to top management
  2. facilitates managers development
  3. possibility of better decisions
  4. effective control
  5. high morale and motivation
  6. facilitates diversification (bebedhikaran)
  7. adaptation of environmental change

Disadvantage of  Decentralization
  1. increase in expenditure
  2. conflict 
  3. unsuitable for emergency situations
  4. maximizes risk
  5. difficulty in communication
  6. unsuitable for specialized services

Forms of Organization Structure
  1. Line Organization Structure
  • simple
  • quick decision and implementation
  • maintain discipline
  • fixed responsibility
  • flexibility
  • effective management
  • economical (metbyaeta)
  • overload on managers
  • lack of specialization
  • autocratic leadership
  • problems of coordination
  • inefficiency
  • lack of stability
  • unsuitable in present day environment

2. Functional Organization Structure 

Advantage of
  • benefits of specialist
  • healthy competition among experts
  • increase efficiency
  • relief to executive
  • mass production
  • helps in growth and expansion
  • suitable for present situation
 Disadvantage of
  • multiple command system
  • lack of coordination
  • high administrative cost
  • delay in decision making
  • spoils human relations
  • narrow outlook of specialists
  • shifting responsibility

3 Line and Staff Organization

  • managerial specialization
  • better coordination
  • limited functional authority
  • practical decision
  • facilitates growth
  • better utilization of resources
  • greater flexibility
  • problem of confilct
  • greater confusion
  • high cost structure
  • over-dependence on staff
  • inefficient staff
  • lack of responsibility
  • complication for management

4. Matrix Organization Structure

  • better coordination and control
  • adaptable to dynamic environment
  • maximum use of resources
  • participative management
  • sufficient time to top management
  • development of teamwork 
  • costly structure
  • problem of over-specialization
  • difficult to balance
  • feeling of insecurity
  • lack of coordination
  • lack of commitment

5. Committee Organization Structure

  • quality decision
  • setting objectives,plans and policies
  • participative management
  • reduces bias and conflict (pachya pat)
  • dealing with complex problems
  • commitment to implement (karyanowyan)
  • pooling authorities (aadhekari ko jamghat)
  • creating conflict
  • delay in decision
  • probability of diversion (besaya paribartan)
  • tendency of shifting (panchaune prabeti)
  • lack of secrecy
  • splits accountability (jawaf dehita ma bevajan)

Features of Coordination
  1. management function
  2. continuous function
  3. managerial responsibility
  4. group effort
  5. unity of action
  6. influences individual (byakti lie pravab)
  7. concentration on common purpose

Elements / Principles of Good Coordination
  1. simplified organization 
  2. well defined goals , responsibility and authority
  3. harmonized programs and policies
  4. direct contact 
  5. early start
  6. well designed communication system
  7. reciprocal relationship (parsparik)
  8. effective leadership and supervision

 Propose of Coordination
  1. to reconcile goals (aakekaran)
  2. to maintain efficiency and economy
  3. to maintain good human relation
  4. to develop team spirit
  5. to mange diversified activities (farak gatibedi)
  6. to minimize employees turnover (gager chordne)

 Importance of Coordination
  1. survival of organization
  2. unity of action
  3. development of efficiency (pravabkarita )
  4. proper use of resources
  5. intregation of goals (aakekaran)
  6. encourage good personal relation
  7. basis of managerial function
  8. accomplishment of objective

Emerging Concepts in Organizing
  1. re-engineering process
  2. team work
  3. network organization structure
  4. downsizing organization
  5. boundary less organization

Human Resource Management System
  1. Input
  2. Processing
  • acquisition (prapati)
  • development 
  • motivation
  • maintenance (aanurachyan)
     3. Input

Objectives of Staffing
  1. goal achivement
  2. maximum utilization of resources
  3. development of team sprit among the employee
  4. human objectives
  5. employee discipline and moral
  6. joint management
  7. productivity improvement

 Importance of Staffing
  1. goal achivement
  2. productivity improvement
  3. improve human relation
  4. human resource planning
  5. face competition
  6. implementation of organizational  strategies
  7. increase employee satisfaction
  8. change management
Components of Staffing
  1. manpower planning
  2. recruitment (varna)
  3. selection
  4. placement
  5. socialization 
  6. training and development
  7. performance appraisal (mulyankan)
  8. transfer, promotion and demotion

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