Monday, August 13, 2012


Characteristics of Communication
  1. minimum two persons
  2. two way process
  3. pervasive function
  4. complete and rational process
  5. continuous function
  6. oral or written
  7. formal or informal
  8. basis of action and coordination

Importance of Communication
  1. planning and co-ordination
  2. successful operation of business
  3. prompt decisions and implementation
  4. maximum production ta lower cost
  5. moral increase

Structure Of  Communication
  1. downward communication
  2. upward communication
  3. two-way communication
  4. horizontal and diagonal communication
Communication Network
  1.  wheel network
  2. chain network
  3. circle network
  4. all channel network

Process of Communication
  1. sender
  2. encoding (sanketic)
  3. message
  4. medium
  5. receiver
  6. decoding (anubad)
  7. feedback
  8. noise

Types of Communication
  1. formal  Communication
  • downward Communication
  • upward Communication
  • sideward Communication
  1. informal Communication
  2. interpersonal Communication
  3. oral Communication
  4. written Communication
  5. non-verbal Communication

Barriers to Effective Communication

Organizational Barriers
  1. organizational policy
  2. organizational rules and regulation
  3. lengthy scalar chain
  4. one-way communication system
  5. lack of confidence in subordinates (sahayogi)
 Physical Barriers
  1. physical distance
  2. hierarchy structure
  3. office design
  4. noise
Psychological Barriers
  1. distrust of communicator (aa biswos)
  2. superiority complex
  3. individual perception (buzai)
  4. premature evaluation (aa paripakka)
  5. no attention
Semantic Barriers
  1. harsh language ( kharo)
  2. vague language (aspasta )
  3. misleading translation
  4. technical language
Technological Barriers
  1. mechanical barriers
  2. loss of transmission
  3. information overload
  4. insufficient period allowed

Enhancing Effective Communication
  1. effective listening
  2. utilizing feedback
  3. regulating information flow
  4. two-way communication
  5. simplifying language
  6. avoid information overload
  7. create an environment of trust and confidence
  8. reduce psychological barriers

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