Monday, August 13, 2012


Features / Nature of Motivation
  1. psychological process
  2. continuous process
  3. pervasive function (sarba byapi)
  4. complex and unpredictable
  5. goal-oriented
  6. behaviour
  7. positive or negative

Importance of Motivation
  1. healthy industrial relation
  2. productivity improvement
  3. willingness for work
  4. determinant of job performance
  5. readiness for the change
  6. utilization of factors of production
  7. environment of co-operation
  8. organizational effectiveness

Theories of Motivation
  1. needs hierarchy theory
  2. physiological needs
  3. security needs
  4. social needs
  5. esteem needs (aham)
  6. self actualization needs
  7. two factor theory
  8. hygiene factors
  9. motivating factor

Essentials of Effective Reward  (besesta)
  1. satisfy needs
  2. effort reward relation
  3. equitable 
  4. cost effective
  5. variety of reward and methods

Techniques and Types of Employee Motivation
  1. positive motivation
  2. negative motivation
  3. extrinsic motivation (bahya )
  4. intrinsic motivation (aantarik)
  5. financial motivation
  6. non-financial motivation
  7. individual motivantion
  8. group motivation

Motivation Through Employee Praticipation
  • Quality of work life
  1. quality circle
  2. share ownership
  3. flexible work schedule
  • Self Managed Work Team

Reward System to Motivate Performance
  1. extrinsic and interinsic reward (antarik ra bahia)
  2. financial and non-financial reward

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